Unplug the Matrix - Human Innovator

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Unplug de Matrix

Do you also notice that we increasingly hear and read the cry “Unplug the Matrix” on social media? The Matrix refers to the movie trilogy The Matrix (Hollywood blockbuster from 1999-2004; 4th part due at the end of 2021) that describes the current human reality. Also, science seems to come more and more to the conclusion that we as Consciousness exist in virtual reality. “Unplug the Matrix” appeals to us to literally distance ourselves from that virtual reality in which we live that seems so lifelike. The underlying questions are: “Do we want to and can we get out, or unplug the Matrix? And if so, how do we do that”?
In this blog, we will search for an answer to these questions through a little research in Consciousness.

The Matrix

First, we must realize that the Matrix as a whole is beyond comprehension for our brain. It is simply too big and too complex to recognize all the manipulations, programming, and influences (or “insertions”) in our Consciousness; let alone to comprehend. Secondly, the fact that we have had to deal with this from birth plays a role. It has become so familiar for us; this is our reality and nothing else. You can compare it with a fish which cannot imagine swimming outside the water.
DNA Matrix
In practice, you as Consciousness received your first program insertions at the moment of conception. Some examples of the consequences include:
  • Being unaware (like covered) of the Original Human Being and our role in the Matrix.
  • Accepting that you are a product of DNA  based on histories, traumas, secrets, good and bad experiences, etc. from family lines of both parents.
  • The “factory settings” of your matrix such as fear, guilt; time, money, shortages, diseases, powerlessness, abuse of power, etc.


Being born with this package (or challenge if you want) in our Consciousness, our “real life” (matrix life) starts with new implementations and insertions. It made most of our own routines a mini-matrix and endorsed as real by the outside world. Recognizable and most common mini-matrices are: family, sports, religion, school, money, relationships, health care, voluntary and paid work, awards and rewards, norms & values in your community that are all interspersed with the feelings as mentioned earlier and within limits set by your internal and external gatekeepers.
The good news is that in the course of our lives we can learn in each of these mini-matrices how the overarching Matrix works in small ways: to what extent it influences, suites and inspires us, to what extent we experience it as comfortable, and ultimately whether we accept it. This process of raising awareness can also lead to questioning of who we are: the person living in this Matrix (our Personality or Human Doing) or the Multi-dimensional, Original Human Being?

Stepping out

Once we conclude that we can no longer settle for a mini-matrix and act upon accordingly, we will Dis-cover how we can step out of that mini-matrix. It starts with stepping out of the (programmed) role you currently have within the system. Sometimes this implies literally stepping out of the system, such as saying goodbye to someone (even loved ones) or something, resigning your job or continuing your life without the benefits of the system. It implies also relating and dealing with each other as equals. For instance, in a mature family system, we can step out of the role of father, mother, daughter, or son and decide to take the form of the family as a group of equal people. Everyone contributes to the care of the whole group. When you are a parent, listen to the wisdom of your child expressed in words or behaviour. That may help you to Dis-cover the invisible rules that have become the standard of your family mini-matrix.
Through that step, you will then discover whether and how the system responds to your literal or figurative “departure”. Surprise (or comments that you have become unpredictable) will often be the first response, followed by respect and acceptance, or in the worst-case scenario the opposite. The system or its rulers (gatekeepers) get angry, threatening, claiming, tempting, or manipulating to keep you on board in the role that you played in that system (even an exciting promotion). It would also be interesting to observe who in that mini-matrix seems untouchable, and who we should above-all not criticize. That is the person who is in tight control to maintain that matrix system; the so-called Queen in the ant colony who we must wholly serve and support. Around him or her stands several persons who protect the “Queen” and convince “apostates” to stay in the system of the mini matrix. These are also your external gatekeepers, and indoctrinate you, one way or another, to doubt your decision to become a sovereign and autonomous person.
Mind web
The next step in the process of liberating yourself from matrices is to observe yourself: How do you respond or react to the above as Human Being? Do you feel empowered and respected in the choices you made for your Self? Are you taking the triggered feelings such as fear, worries, guilt, feeling powerless, and the actions of Queens and her gatekeepers for real, or do you keep your Power within, continue your exploration in Consciousness (Inner Work) and accept the associated consequences?
We encourage you to opt for the later because dis-covering how the various mini matrices function and interfere in your life provides you also insights into how the more extensive matrix functions (as below as above).
The significant difference is that you in a mini matrix can observe the Queen and associated gatekeepers. At the same time, in the larger Matrix, the rulers such as governments, multinationals, etc. remain invisible, a hidden hand, who seem too far out of our influence and apparently untouchable. However, with the occurring heightening of the Earth frequency, this Matrix is becoming less influential. Hence, the question becomes now (November 2019) whether the Matrix still exists in its old programming, or did the Hearts of Humanity rewrote it? The answer will follow with the next year or so.

Practicing Observing

In case you find the above too farfetched or too abstract, then books and movies may assist you further. Especially when you look beyond the obvious in certain movies (open mind attitude), you will dis-cover some exciting details and gain insights each time you watch. That is the main reason why we started our specialized webshop InspiratieFilms. Particularly, the movies under the caption “In & Out the Matrix” capture our current reality. Examples of such movies are the Matrix Trilogy as mentioned above, Inception, The Adjustment Bureau, Transcendence, The Giver, Legend of the Guardians - The Owls of Ga’Hoole, Concussion, Gattaca, and Equals.
Although the awakening journey may be accompanied by trial and error, like a baby taking its first steps, it certainly gives space. It offers opportunities to experience things that you could have previously labelled as impossible. Besides, it brings an inner joy you never can buy. It is also enormously supportive of encountering like-minded people in this journey, and of inspiring and reinforcing each other in raising Awareness of the Matrix and our reactions therein.
We wish you a lot of courage and pleasure with your personal research and possible “Unplug the (mini) Matrix”.
Jolande and Niek
Based on the original blog in Dutch of 25 July 2017, revised 8 November 2019, and last updated 6 October 2020.
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