T1. Power within - Human Innovator

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The illogicality of change
for the personality

1. Power Within versus Power over Others

Power over Others

The expression 'Power over Others' can be heard on the left and right. What does Power over Others mean? In short: exercise power over others.
Of course, we know the Power over Others in war, violence, crime, fights, bullying, traffic fights, abuse and other prominent border violating actions. In those situations, there is always an offender and a victim present. If you recognize the case, you can acknowledge that it is nowadays becoming more robust and more powerful in our daily reality. Power over others always has to do with control, control over the other, control over the situation, control over you, control over your life.
Victims can respond by anchoring what they have experienced in who they are (their personality) and subsequently, often unconsciously, allowing it to restrict their lives. Through their restriction, the victims on their turn can also determine their environment (Power over others). For example; "I could not protect myself as a child, and now, as an adult, I am entitled to your protection. If you really love me, you do it for me". Consequently, the other person by accepting the apparent limitation of the victim out of so-called love becomes her/himself a victim with associated consequences.
Power over Others
Another well-known example is that children who have been the victim of violence in their youth can grow up as offenders in their adult lives. "I have had a bad childhood" is the excuse for non-acceptable, intimidating and destructive behaviour. In other words, you can translate this as: "I have become an offender, but I cannot take responsibility (nor behold responsibly) for it because it has been done to me" with a corresponding tune of voice "and I'm still a victim".
Fortunately, some offenders are shaken awake because they are going to face and take responsibility for what they have done. And of course, some victims face their trauma, take on their deepest fears and gradually step out of the role of victim and regain their own Inner Force.
When both the offender takes responsibility for what they have done and the victim takes responsibility for their own healing, the Power over Others has disappeared. Both are then in their Power Within, their Inner Power.

How does Power over Others work for us in practice?

Perhaps to your great surprise, it is something that we were brought up with, and we are hardly aware of how this also lives on in ourselves. It has become part of our lives, and the idea that it could be different is almost unimaginable. Therefore, it is crucial to becoming aware by searching for ways how to recognize Power over others in your own personality.
Consider the personality as the person you are in this world: (i) your name with a social security number attached to it; (ii) the total of everything you have learned, what you have gained in your life, and what you have experienced, and (iii) how others see you and how you see yourself to a certain degree as a reaction to what others think of you. In short, the personality is a job profile/program for our lives here on earth, suitable for functioning in the system (or Matrix) of this world.
The "creators" of this job profile are all the systems. The systems comprise upbringing, education, healthcare, government, employers, consulting firms, youth care, justice, mental diagnostic system, the pharmaceutical industry, EU parliament, etc.. They have always told us how the world works, what they expect, what is abnormal, what is healthy, what is unhealthy, what is good for us, what is bad for us, what we have to believe and whatnot, and above all who we are. Moreover, the information and the Power reside outside of ourselves. Consequently, they learned us (we believe it as the truth) how to function properly within the existing system, and that seems to be a given fact.
Within us, the internal critic that little inner voice in ourselves criticizes our entire existence, the way we function in the system, how we look and perform. This Power over Self keeps us within our given job profile. Besides, personalities keep an eye on each other and in line with criticism and the threat of sanctions when someone outside his job profile starts investigating how the world might be different.
As a result, almost all Power over Others (system) and Power over Self (Personality) are so standard that they are not recognized and experienced by personality as weird, unusual or even bizarre. This habit goes together with the transfer of information (compare it with programming) from generation to generation by the personality.
Everyone wants to be "normal" and indeed not deviant. To maintain this, we sacrifice consciously and unconsciously, e.g. a lot of life energy and integrity, through Power over Self. This process continues until first cracks evolve, and subsequently, the disintegration of the personality occurs. This change may manifest itself as an imbalance in health and overall functioning. The Job Profile no longer works properly (also known as a mid-life crisis or burn-out) and therefore not fitting anymore in the system. Consequently, personality becomes useless for the system.
In western health care, too often, attention is only focused on adjusting and restoring the Job Profile so that the personality can function again within the framework of the system. Many people also choose that because, after all; the personality does not want to know that it is not correct, because then all frameworks fall apart, and nothing remains.
Here (of course can this be done without the above-mentioned intensive event) lays the chance to stop Power over Self by taking responsibility for your Real Self and discover where your Own Inner Force lies. Become aware of and choose which Power you use to live.
It takes some getting used to it, but very refreshing.
Film tip for Power over Others: Divergent
Letting go

Power Within

How do you get to your Inner Strength, the Power Within? We all know it, perhaps first in brief moments, but meaningfully: "You know it for sure!" A voice within yourself that encourages and confirms you to take the next step. Or in a dream or while taking a shower, it suddenly becomes all crystal clear to you - a fearless knowledge based on trust. Just recall the moments of your life during which you experienced this. The Re-membering of your moment(s) of Power Within can help to use this as a new reference point for this adventure.
The Power Within is unique for everyone and at the same time the same for everyone, namely the Source from which we exist.
Your adventure is unique, in your way, at your pace with your Own Wisdom. It is an adventure that can sometimes be fierce and heavy for your personality because all known frameworks are re-examined and questioned by you: Is that so for me? And Is this what I really want? It can provoke resistance, emotions, feeling broke, etc., but it is at the same time, also very liberating! The body also participates in this. Discover what health implies for you, and how your body and especially your neurological system connects to your personality. What the difference is, in reality, you experience when you respond from your Personality or your Essential Self.
You cannot make mistakes because it is a journey of discovery of "Learning on the job". It facilitates increased confidence to be Your Self in this world, to claim your right to exist, and to take authority: Here I am! An exciting journey, during which you increasingly rewrite your personality tuned to your Essential Self, and the unique collaboration between the two get shape: Coming home to your Self.
The world opens up for you.
Filmtip voor Power Within: Hidden Figures

Read further in Part 2 of the Trilogy Reptilianbrain and the Creating Human Being

Niek & Jolande
21 februari 2018 (revised 18 December 2019)
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